Why you're struggling to sell

Dec 4, 2023 | 3 min read

Sometimes you can be doing everything right, but still be struggling to see the missing puzzle piece that's holding your business back...

We ALL come across blindspots in our businesses. These are the spaces where we know something isn't quite working or fitting right, but we're struggling to figure out exactly what that thing is OR how to go about fixing it. Sometimes it takes an external opinion or time and space away from the day-to-day to break down your blindspots and highlight a clear path forward.
From a brand designer and fellow business-owner's perspective, there are a few core, SUPER common blindspots I see in my clients businesses (and have worked through within my own business). These blindspots directly impact sales, clarity and motivation.
Let's walk through exactly what these are...
Three blindspots that are impacting your sales ⚡️⬇️

You don’t have a deep enough understanding of your target market

Having a clear idea of exactly who you’re trying to reach in your business is key. You want this to be your ideal client or customer. Clearly defining who your target market is reduces all the guesswork, enabling you to tailor your brand, marketing and sales tactics to connect and resonate directly with them.
The key here is to be very specific. You’re more likely to sell your brand and therefore your products or services if you’re targeting a specific type of person. This doesn’t mean that your brand won’t appeal to or resonate with anyone else (it definitely will), it simply means that you're targeting your energy towards the people who connect with your values, buy into your story, and are willing to pay big bucks to buy from you.
The BEST way to clearly identify your target market is by conducting some market research (this means chatting to people you would like to work with, get to know the ins and outs of their lives, pain points and problems) and collating this information into a target market profile. You can use our target market profile template in our Brand Strategy Workbook (free) as a starting point. You can find this on our Free Resources page.

You’re not consistently showing up and connecting online and in networking environments

We've all been there... you're hustling with client work, getting out orders, serving customers, doing your literal job. It's all wonderfully busy, until you hit a snag... you've just realised you've spent all your time working with existing customers and clients and have completely negated going out and selling yourself to anyone new. You've hit a quiet period of your own making. I've said it before (well, actually my business coach said it first) you've got to be consistently working ON the business as well as working IN the business, in order to achieve continual growth (and well, continually having customers).
Time and time again we've found in-person networking, social groups and social media engagement are the best salesmen. Actually getting to know people that you want to work with, connecting with them and building relationships not only provides the odd client, but generates consistent word of mouth networks and fans who will sing your praises to everyone they talk to.

You don’t have a clear unique selling point or point of difference from your competitors

Modern businesses have hit this weird and whacky place where joining the herd is seen as a necessary path to success rather than standing out within an industry.
In all reality if you don't know what makes your business unique and/or better than your competitors, or if you don't know why your target market should choose you over your competitors, then neither does anyone else. Your business will always be one in the masses with limited growth.
Finding an edge over your competitors is easier said than done, but it is necessary in order to win consistent, ideal sales. Assess who’s doing what you do but better or different? Consider what niche you can fill. What are the gaps in your industry or client needs that aren't currently being met?
The answers to these questions will provide you with clear and compelling unique selling point that you can share and market to prospective customers. This will become the juicy goodness in your marketing copy and sales pitches that will unlock continual growth in your business.
So. Has this helped you to identify any potential blindspots within your own business? If so, send through an email to hello@formecreative.co.nz! I'd love to help guide you on some practical next steps!