What i would do differently if i started my business all over again

Sept 30, 2023 | 3 min read

Hindsight is a beautiful thing – especially in business as we learn and grow. We start out so green and slowly figure out how to strategise, optimise and create the business we’d dreamed of. 🤩

Now with 5 years of experience – trials and errors, wins and losses, successes and harsh learnings under my belt, there is a lot of things I would approach differently if I started my business all over again:

1) Focus first on developing the best possible product

When I began in business, I was spread far too thin trying to expand and develop every aspect of Forme: design skills, client processes, networking, marketing, design processes, financial systems… the list goes on. Although this is not the worst approach, the anchor-point of even having a business is the product and/or service sold. In order to effectively market, in order to gain clients, the product must be top-notch and first priority.

2) Create clean processes and systems

Getting carried away with optimisations and additions to business systems is so easy. Creating canned emails and automated next steps are a lifesaver, but can create such a messy client experience when there’s too many steps, too many forms, too many calls to action. I wanted to get more reviews for my website so I put my review link everywhere. I needed better quality client feedback, so I created an enormous form for clients to fill out. Ultimately I figured out that clean and simple systems were a must. Because at the end of the day clients just don’t follow-through and I don’t follow through if the process is too confusing and involves too much admin.

3) Not be afraid to invest the money in professional brand design

In general spending money to make money makes sense, but requires a leap of faith (and some sound research to make sure it’s worthwhile). I came into business with a strong 'I can do it all myself" mindset. Now that certainly worked for the first few months but very quickly I found that if I wanted to actually make good money, I needed to be professional and competitive in my industry and the only way I could achieve that was by outsourcing. This is what truly brought my business to the next level.

4) Create boundaries with myself, my time and my clients way sooner

It took far too many Saturday client calls, 11pm emails and sleepless nights over the smallest of things for me to realise that boundaries create space for success. Having a clear mind, getting proper rest and treating the business like a business and not like my best friend became absolutely necessary. Having clear boundaries have enabled me to bring my best self to my business, within business hours and have a full, busy life outside of my business.

5) Ask for help more rather than struggle alone

Joining a networking group was one of the best decisions I made for my business. Putting myself out there and attending events and conferences and protecting my girls in business fortnightly drinks has single handedly transformed my mindset and motivations with my business. Feeling constantly supported encouraged and uplifted today is a far cry from my earlier days of feelings lost and in it all alone.